Friday, October 7, 2011

A few words

I want to grasp this opportunity to thank all the people that gave a part of their precious time to read my books. Being at the threshold of my adventure as an author, it is an immense pleasure to realize that someone decided to take a chance on me; see what I have to add to the art of storytelling. With the release of the paperback edition of the The Living Sword Chronicles, I will take a very small break from the world of the Rootless and the three Realms and dedicate my efforts during the coming months to a different story. A different hero.
The blade will return in the Servant of the Princess to answer most of the questions many of you have and emailed me about. I tried hard in this first volumes not to complicate things, to leave the story as simple as it could be, to let the reader draw his own conclusions. I've taken into consideration many of the advises that the faithful group of beta readers has thrown to me during this time and some of them I will implement in the coming volumes.
I sternly believe closing this probably boring intervention that in the journey of indie publishing a writer should have his eyes and ears open to advice and criticism. Nobody is perfect but we can all get better. The only thing we need is patience and an open mind.
Black Files: Minotaur will probably be out around Christmas but I'll keep everyone informed through my blog or my publisher.
Enjoy the Fall guys and girls, it is my second favorite season. 

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