Sunday, December 23, 2012

Final Colony Reloaded

     The world of the Final Colony series is big. The first five parts of the story were originally intended to be a single volume but due to the seer size (more than 150000 words) it held, I've decided to split it into these distinct parts (0.5, 1, 2, 2.5 and 3). In Reloaded, all these five parts are coming together in one package. Uncut for the most part, better explained, with a wordbook of science terms, society structure and even slang used during that era. The best portion of the storyline remains the same but now it's becoming clearer to the reader, at least that is my intention. -fingers crossed-
       Some of the feedback coming my way from those that have already read the fist four of the five parts, (Citizen One just made its appearance at Amazon and hopefully will be available for the holiday season from most of the other major retailers) suggested a number of changes in the narrative which I have taken under consideration. One must take notice, that the storyline is revealed mainly through the eyes of some of its major characters and because of that fact it's a narrow window of sight (and a highly subjective at that) to the whole picture. As the series progresses with the upcoming Harbinger and the three-part storyline dealing with the Earth Alliance - Cygn wars more and more of these darker spots will become clear.
        Well that was it, just a small update. Happy New Year to everyone and let's all try to make this world a bit better than we found it.    

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Citizen One (Final Colony)

Coming soon...

There are no perfect plans.

The timeline

EA timeline

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